Fit Body Code - Lifestyle

How to keep consistent with your lifestyle - 7 minute video


Three Simple Steps to Boost Consistency in Your Lifestyle

With years of personal training clients on the Wirral, I can comfortably tell you the number of excuses I hear boil down to just a couple of individual problems. They are usually either a Mindset problem or a lifestyle problem. Regardless, the solution is simple, and in this video and short article, I'll show you three simple steps you can implement to stay consistent on your fitness, fat loss, and functional strength journey!


Step 1: Analyse the Problem

The first step towards overcoming inconsistency is to identify your problem. Now, you need to go deep here. Don't accept the first answer that comes to mind, like, I can't achieve my goals because I'm too busy. Keep asking yourself why at least twice from your answers. For example, 'I'm too busy to follow my exercise plan' Why are you too busy? Do you spend 3 hours a day looking at your phone? (check your screen time). If this is the case, are you really 'too busy'.


Checking phones, watching mind-numbing TV, staying up late, and missing the early morning wake-up—whatever it is, you'll probably find that your current habits are your problem! But unless you focus on what the problem is, then you can't address it.


Step 2: Set Clear Objectives

Once you've clarified your issue, you can start looking at easy ways to correct it.


Using the earlier example, can you do the following:

  • Pack your fitness attire in your bag and take it to work.
  • Go for a 30-minute gym session or run around the park during lunch break.
  • Get up one hour earlier—yes, that means going to bed earlier—to do a 45-minute morning workout at home before the household wakes.

These objectives are simple yet directly tackle the problem of needing more time to do your training.


Step 3: Create an Action Plan and Implement It


Once you've established solid objectives, you need to create an action plan. This can be as simple as opening your diary and scheduling your new objectives/tasks within your day to execute. Things may not go according to plan, but with a couple of attempts and minor tweaks, you'll find a flow that works best for you.

For example:

  • Morning Workouts: Schedule gym time from 6:30 to 7:30 AM, Monday to Friday.
  • Healthy Snacks: Prepare and pack snacks every Sunday for the upcoming week.
  • Stretching Reminders: Set an alarm every hour during work to remind you to stand and stretch, reducing fatigue.


Staying consistent isn't about a rigid routine that zaps your energy for the day. Simply identifying your problem, setting your objectives, and scheduling critical tasks into your day will build a framework that promotes sustained consistency.


Remember, small deliberate changes over time lead to big results—you just need to make sure you stay consistent. You will also need to adopt a consistent mindset. Discover the vital steps to cultivating a consistent mindset. Use these three simple steps today to quickly overcome your sticking points and start pushing yourself forward again.


Let's get focused, my friend!


If you need my help, then book a free consultation here. I look forward to speaking with you!... Click here


Keep fit, lean, healthy, and strong.

