Best Personal Trainer on the Wirral
Nov 07, 2021
Who is the Best Personal Trainer on the Wirral?
If you run a google search for the best personal trainer Wirral, you'll find two things listed:
- An organic list of personal trainer websites
- A directory with a list of trainers that will have paid for a listing
The problem with the search results is there's no clear indication to inform you who is/are the best personal trainers on the Wirral.
This blog quickly shows you how to find the best personal trainer on the Wirral without my own bias.
Firstly, what constitutes the 'best' trainer? Well, that is entirely subjective based upon what you're looking for. For example, if you find a top trainer on the list who uses a kettlebell training system and you hate the idea of having to learn all the correct lifting postures to do kettlebell workouts, then that person simply isn't; the best for you!
So, here are my top 5 considerations you want to look for when searching for the best trainer for you!
- Experience
- Their specialist area of expertise
- Knowledge
- A unique method or approach
- Social proof – Popular doesn't mean good
Experienced Personal Trainer
Firstly, I have the utmost respect for all personal trainers within the industry regardless of their experience level. That said, you are looking for the best, so their experience is arguably the starting point. An experienced personal trainer who has worked with many clients over the years will have undoubtedly seen many different personalities with various problems, goals, and mindsets when embarking on a health, fitness, and weight loss journey.
Working with a trainer who has delivered results to different personas with varied challenges places them in a stronger position to deal with you! I've had many clients in the past who told me they would be the easiest client I've had, and just after a couple of weeks, that evidently is not the reality.
On the flip side, I've had clients with many complications such as poor discipline, low self-confidence, hectic lifestyles, and they've ended up being my best clients. The beauty of having this experience working with many personalities allows the trainer to adapt his/her approach to making it work for you. Unfortunately, a less experienced trainer will not have these encounters and strategies to handle different people.
Their specialist area of expertise
Any personal trainer worth their salt will have a focused area of helping people. Over the years, I've changed my speciality based upon the people who I want to help.
My early years were focused on training Athlete's and helping people with injuries or poor ability to move their bodies. Although I loved this area, I naturally moved away from these clients over time. I became fascinated with helping those struggling with self-discipline, confidence, and a busy lifestyle, as I clearly identified why many people couldn't achieve their goals.
Helping these people, typically women aged 35-45 years old, overcome these problems and achieve jaw-dropping transformations is deeply rewarding, so this is now and continues to be my specialist area.
If the trainer doesn't have specialist expertise, they're more of a generalist, so please remember that a general approach will give you general results!
This is BIG! If the trainer has a poor knowledge base, it won't be long before discovering their inadequacies. Along your journey of losing weight, getting fit, healthy, and performing at your best, you'll undoubtedly encounter speed bumps along the way. If the trainer can't help you overcome these inevitable encounters, your results will be short-term, if any.
The best way to determine their knowledge base is to look at their website or social pages and read what they say.
In addition, they should have a blog, vlog, or long-form videos where they clearly discuss and share beneficial information. If they don't have a great deal of helpful, credible, and detailed advice on several topics related to health, weight loss, nutrition, fitness, and mindset, then my advice is to look for someone that has.
A unique method or approach
This links heavily with the last 3 points. A well experienced, knowledgeable, and expert personal trainer will have created a unique formula that delivers a high level of success with all their suited clients. They should be able to articulate to you with ease where their method takes you from now too, where you want to be.
You should be able to identify this within your own lifestyle, personality, and desires. Then, you will feel aligned with what they offer based upon their language and the framework they have created to deal with the specific problems you face.
Their website and social presence should clearly display this for you; again, their blog or videos should give you a greater understanding of their approach.
Social proof: Popular doesn't mean good!
Social proof is necessary and shows credibility that other people have achieved results with this trainer. However, you're looking for the best, and the best doesn't mean most popular. I've seen some personal trainers on social media with a small following but provide excellent advice and show a level of expertise that some trainers would charge you for!
Inversely, I've seen some trainers, coaches, and nutritionists with a big following and a great deal of before and after images but, their advice, practices and methods are nothing short of shocking.
I used to argue with specific trainers back in the day, but there's a vast amount of unprofessional advice on social media these days, and I don't have the time or energy to deal with it. I've come to realise this is the way the world is now, and I should just focus on how I can help you, the reader, instead of arguing with poor quality health practitioners in our industry.
Social proof can also be paid for. Did you know you can buy before & after weight loss images? Well, you can, and for minimal cost. Ideal for those third-rate personal trainers, so is aware of heavy social proof, especially if all the above points aren't being met.
So, there you have it, this is precisely how you find the best Personal Trainer on the Wirral. Do a little homework on the people you see on Google or social media and remember, popular doesn't mean best. Find the one who you can see is going to be the best for you!
Good luck, and if you found this helpful, then please comment below. I check throughout the week, so I will reply to you!
Until next time
Keep Healthy
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